
This website has been designed to be low carbon. Decarbonising the web is an essential part of a sustainable online future, and our collective responsibility to reduce global carbon emissions.

How is this website designed to be 'green'?

In the settings menu you can opt to have the colour of the navigation and highlights linked to the UK's National Grid Carbon Intensity value(see below) of the electricity demand in the southeast of England: Very low (turquoise/dark mode:purple), low (yellow/dark mode:bright blue), medium (lime green/dark mode:red), high (hot pink/dark mode same) or very high (orange/dark mode same).

Although we are simply using the current carbon intensity to change colours, it could easily be used to dynamically adjust web content - if the grid demand is low, high quaility images and video can be shown, but when the demand is high the site keep content to a minimum, reducing data transfer. This dynamic adjustment of web content can help those with low power availability or minimal access to bandwidth and create a more equitable and just web for people and planet.

We have used SVG files for the graphic icons and animations on the site. SVGs are vector graphics which generally have an extremely small filesize. For the images of our work, we have used low resolution JPGs which have been optimised to have small filesizes.

We have also opted to reduce the amount of information on the website by being clear and concise, reducing excess and stripping unnecessary clutter. If you want more in-depth information about our projects and services, let us know.

Our websites are hosted on servers powered by renewable energy.

What tools have been used to create the site?

We use open source software to optimise our assets:

  • ImageOptim for image compression (it handles PNG, JPG, SVG, GIF)
  • Handbrake for video compression
  • More information about decarbonising the arts and the low carbon web

      Check out and join the Gallery Climate Coalition who also have excellent resources for how you can decarbonise all aspects of art production.
      Discover, a "collaborative literacy and climate justice projects in search of transformative and regenerative repair for the art sector and beyond".
      Read Digital Decarbonisation Consensus & Conjectures by Anne Pasek + Dani Admiss, Tega Brain, Angela YT Chan, Maya Chowdhury, Laura Clarke, Julie Freeman, Louise Hargreaves, Ellie Harrison, Lara Houston, Marija Bozinovska Jones, Adi Kunstman, Jane Lawson, Gretta Louw, Martino Morandi, Padmini Ray Murray, Inge Paneels, Irini Papadimitriou, Anne Pasek, Radek Przedpelski, Caroline Sinders, Rebecca Sinker, Brian Sutherland, Marloes de Valk, Chris Wright.

    What is the National Grid Carbon Intensity value?

    The UK's National Grid ESO, in partnership with Environmental Defense Fund Europe, University of Oxford Department of Computer Science and WWF, have developed the world's first Carbon Intensity forecast with a regional breakdown. The Carbon Intensity API uses machine learning and power system modelling to forecast the carbon intensity and generation mix 96+ hours ahead for each region in the UK. The forecast includes CO2 emissions related to electricity generation only, including emissions from all large metered power stations, interconnector imports, transmission and distribution losses, and accounts for national electricity demand, embedded wind and solar generation.

    The carbon intensity of electricity is sensitive to small changes in carbon-intensive generation. Carbon intensity varies by hour, day, and season due to changes in electricity demand, low carbon generation (wind, solar, hydro, nuclear, biomass) and conventional generation.